


– 2 chocolate cakes – chocolate buttercream frosting – Peanut Butter Oreos – buttercream frosting,     colored green

Bake 2 square cakes, using 10"x10" cake pans and following recipe/cake mix instructions.

On a 12-inch square cake board wrapped in white freezer paper, slice the rounded top off of the cakes with a cake slicer/leveler.

Spread a portion of the chocolate buttercream frosting on top of that cake, and sandwich the two cakes together.

Crush up the Peanut Butter Oreos and mix them in with the rest of the chocolate buttercream frosting.

Spread the chocolate buttercream "dirt" frosting on the sides of the cake.

Work your way around the cake.

Using a grass cake tip, add the grass with the green buttercream frosting.

When finished, decorate your masterpiece with candles or whatever your heart desires.